Миленко Стефановић

српски и југословенски кларинетиста и универзитетски професор

Миленко Мима Стефановић, најпознатији српски класични и џез кларинетиста, професор универзитета.

Други о Стефановићу:

  • ”Југословенски кларинетиста број један, Миленко Стефановић свирао је солистичку партију Обрадовићевог концерта технички бриљантно и изражајно продубљено.” (Б[ранко] М. Д[рагутиновић], Politika, 15. мај 1964)
  • “Virtuosity with the clarinet
[...] a remarkably virtuoso performer” (D. A. W. M., The Daily Telegraph, November 2, 1965)
  • "Outstanding clarinet

[...] the musical event of the evening was Milenko Stefanovic's performance of Mozart's Clarinet Concerto. The soloist's breath control, tonal quality and mastery of phrase and paragraph were such that the work seemed to be taking shape on the spot. I have heard a few outstanding performances of this work, but never one so inspired as this." (Geoffrey Crankshaw, Music and Musicians, June 1967)

  • “Clarinetist of sensitive gifts

[...] an artist endowed with unusually comprehensive and sensitive gift of interpretation” (D. A. W. M., The Daily Telegraph, November 24, 1967)

  • “Clarinet player of wide range

[...] an outstanding musician" (The Yorkshire Post, October 28, 1968)

  • “the most outstanding Yugoslavian clarinet professor of our day“ (Allan Ware, The Clarinet journal, Vol. 15, No. 3, May-June 1988)

  • “We say sincerely and cordially ’Bravo!’ to the clarinetist Milenko Stefanovic for his rhythmically exceptional and precise, differentiated in sound, musically faultless and technically virtuous-brilliant interpretation of Copland’s Concerto solo part.“ (Borba)

  • “the leading clarinetist in Serbia and a prominent teacher” (John Cipolla, The Clarinet journal, Vol. 40, No. 2, March 2013).